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Chap 13 | “Randomized Algorithms”




2.[Example] The Hiring Problem

  1. 从猎头公司聘请办公室助理
  2. 每天面试不同的申请人,持续 N 天
  3. 面试成本 = \(C_i\) << 招聘成本 = \(C_h\)
  4. 分析面试和招聘成本,而不是运行时间

假设雇用了 \(M\) 人。 总成本:\(O(NC_i+MC_h)\)

  • 朴素的解决方案

int Hiring ( EventType C[ ], int N )
{   /* candidate 0 is a least-qualified dummy candidate */
    int Best = 0;
    int BestQ = the quality of candidate 0;
    for ( i=1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i ); /* Ci */
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            BestQ = Qi;
            Best = i;
            hire( i );  /* Ch */
    return Best;
Worst case:候选人的质量越来越高

  • 假设候选人以随机顺序到达

    随机性假设:到目前为止,前 \(i\) 名候选人中的任何一个都同样可能最有资格

int RandomizedHiring ( EventType C[ ], int N )
{   /* candidate 0 is a least-qualified dummy candidate */
    int Best = 0;
    int BestQ = the quality of candidate 0;

    randomly permute the list of candidates;

    for ( i=1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i ); /* Ci */
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            BestQ = Qi;
            Best = i;
            hire( i );  /* Ch */

Online Hiring Algorithm – hire only once

int OnlineHiring ( EventType C[ ], int N, int k )
    int Best = N;
    int BestQ = -  ;
    for ( i=1; i<=k; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i );
        if ( Qi > BestQ )   BestQ = Qi;
    for ( i=k+1; i<=N; i++ ) {
        Qi = interview( i );
        if ( Qi > BestQ ) {
            Best = i;
    return Best;
\(S_i:=\)\(i\) 个申请人是最好的
当且仅当:{ A:= the best one is at position i } \(\cap\) { B:= no one at positions k+1 ~ i–1 are hired }

\[ Pr[S_i]=Pr[A\cap B] = Pr[A]*Pr[B]=(1/N)*(k/(i-1))=\frac{k}{N(i-1)} \]


\[ Pr[B] = 1-Pr[\overline{B}]=1-(\frac{(i-1)-(k+1)+1}{i-1})=\frac{k}{i-1} \]
\[ Pr[S] = \sum_{i=k+1}^{N}Pr[S_i]=\sum_{i=k+1}^{N}\frac{k}{N(i-1)}=\frac{k}{N}\sum_{i=k}^{N-1}\frac{1}{i} \]

3.[Example] Quicksort

  • Central splitter := the pivot that divides the set so that each side contains at least n/4

  • Modified Quicksort := always select a central splitter before recursions
    每次需要先找到Central splitter再继续,若找的不是Central splitter,则需重新寻找。

  • 结论1:在我们找到Central splitter之前,所需的预期迭代次数最多为 2 次。


其实用抽屉原理就可以证明。最坏情况时,选的不满足Central splitter的数量最多是 n/2 个。

  • Type j : the subproblem S is of type j if \(N(\frac{3}{4})^{j+1}≤|S|≤N(\frac{3}{4})^{j}\)

  • 结论2:声明:最多存在 \((\frac{4}{3})^{j+1}\)\(j\) 类型的子问题。

\[ E[T_{type_j}]=O(N(\frac{3}{4})^j)×(\frac{4}{3})^{j+1}=O(N) \]

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